-GAVIN AND STACY: No, this is not the name of the new Fountains of Wayne song (Good guess though!). It's the new show that premiered on BBC America last night. This show once again proves that British people are much more clever and hilarious than Americans. The striking thing is that this show is filled with quirky characters that on an American show would be unbelievable one-dimensional carictures, but on British TV come off as hilarious, well-rounded, and brilliant. ANNOYING! No, but seriously, watch this.
-THE FARMER'S MARKET: I have been eating tomato sandwiches almost exclusively for the last two weeks, thanks to the delectability of said produce, as available from The Farmer's Market. Recommending this is sort of like recommending water or oxygen -- we all know it's good for us, so it's a sort of useless recommendation. But I am flying in the face of futility and recommending it anyway.
-SLEEP: Another futile suggestion? Perhaps. But I have managed to get 8-9 hours of sleep per night for more than one night in a row and it has been fantastic. Recommended!! (I guess there is no such thing as "one night in a row" but you know what I mean)
Alright, clearly I just wanted to recommend Gavin and Stacy, but felt I needed a few other items, as a list containing only one item is not even a list. But that doesn't take away from my sincerity in recommending fresh produce and copious amounts of bedrest.
-THE FARMER'S MARKET: I have been eating tomato sandwiches almost exclusively for the last two weeks, thanks to the delectability of said produce, as available from The Farmer's Market. Recommending this is sort of like recommending water or oxygen -- we all know it's good for us, so it's a sort of useless recommendation. But I am flying in the face of futility and recommending it anyway.
-SLEEP: Another futile suggestion? Perhaps. But I have managed to get 8-9 hours of sleep per night for more than one night in a row and it has been fantastic. Recommended!! (I guess there is no such thing as "one night in a row" but you know what I mean)
Alright, clearly I just wanted to recommend Gavin and Stacy, but felt I needed a few other items, as a list containing only one item is not even a list. But that doesn't take away from my sincerity in recommending fresh produce and copious amounts of bedrest.
My name is Daphne Mays and I work for BBC America. I found you through this post about "Gavin and Stacy" and thought I'd get in touch. We're in the process of introducing people to another new show from the UK called "Skins". It's often been compared to "Gossip Girl" and does deal with similar themes and issues, but in its own unique way. We're working really hard to get the word out about the show, and we have a lot of great media to share. We'd love it if you could post about the show again, and include some of our exclusive content. Would you be at all interested in doing this? We have exclusive video interviews with the cast and exclusive photos that haven't been released to the press, so you'd definitely be giving your readers some inside information.
You can check out a video about the show here:
Please let me know if you'd like me to send you any of our assets, we would love to have your help in promoting this awesome show!
Daphne Mays
BBC America
I love Gavin and Stacey! A friend at work kept bugging me to watch it. The only thing is that Gavin and Stacey themselves actually bore the crap out of me, it's their friends and families that are worth watching.
Love that you got contacted by BBC America!
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