Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Rap Battles for Jesus

Huffington Post just put up this amazing video of a Christian rap group espousing the merits of the "Christian Side Hug", therefore making sure teens don't accidentally have sex with one another while front-hugging.

Besides the inane subject matter, there are so many things to love about this video: the gunshot and police siren side effects (because guns and violence are cool as long as you don't hug anyone ), the weird bridge where they start talking about the decmocratic shift in congress, and the AMAZING chorus which says:

"I'm a Rough Rider
Filled up with Christ's' love"




Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11:45 PM  
Blogger CatholicSchool Celtics Fan said...

LOL, I saw that Christian side hug video a while ago, I'm a Christian and I showed it to a guy in my class who's not saved and we both started cracking up. I'm all for purity but putting a Chasity Belt on HUGS is a little over the top lol

12:42 AM  
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